Monday 28 May 2012


God knows why but I woke up with this song in my head this morning..and it seems to be sticking all day. Must have come up in a now-forgotten dream or summat.
Naturally I looked it up on the interwebby and as I learned of the correct spelling Gaudete (should've known that) I also remember it was made famous by Steeleye Span in the 70s, who sang it on TOTP once. Wikipedia also further informs that it's a Latin Christmas carol, from the 16th Century.
Maybe I was a monk back then and I was taken back to a previous life in my dream. or maybe it was my current fixation with 70s music which brought out the "Span" version from 1973.

Fact: the Steeleye Span single is one of only three top 50 British hits to be sung in Latin - can you name the other two?

Anyway, fingers on ears chaps and let's have a sing-along....we'll be perfect by Christmas.

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