Thursday 21 March 2013

The happy couple

Love these photos of John & Yoko, posted over at Meet The Beatles For Real, marking the couple's wedding anniversary.
The pic shows John & Yoko during the trip to Scotland they took in June 1969 with their respective offspring, Sean and Kyoto, after all the 'honeymoon' fuss with the Hair Peace / Bag Piece stunts.

I like the way the photos show them as both 'normal' people but at the same time sort of alien to the rest of everyone else as they visit schools and other places in small Scottish communities.

Why have all these kids got matching caps? 

Sadly, the happy (extended) family had a car accident later on in the trip, Golspie on July 1st to be precise, apparently due to John's rather wreckless driving...(well he was used to being driven round London in a Rolls rather than driving a mini around the highroads and low-roads of Scotland). John, Yoko and Kyoto all had to have stitches. "If you're going to have a car crash, try to arrange for it to happen in the Highlands. The hospital there was just great," Lennon quipped.
July 1st was also the date recording was start to begin for what was to become The Beatles' Abbey Road album. John didn't make it until the 9th. Naturally Yoko went with him although they had a double bed brought into the studios from Harrod's so Yoko could still get plenty of rest. She was carrying Lennon's child.

see also: Beatles' Bible entry  for July 1st 1969

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